Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure used to provide relief from painful compression fractures in the spine. If you would like relief from your back pain, call to schedule an appointment for a consult.

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How is kyphoplasty performed?

The procedure begins with a small incision to accommodate a narrow tube that is positioned next to your vertebrae. X-ray imagery and fluoroscopy are used to assist in inserting a medical balloon directly into your vertebrae. The balloon is carefully inflated, elevating the fracture and returning the broken pieces to their proper position. It also compacts the inner bone of the vertebrae and creates an internal cavity. Once the space is correctly shaped, the balloon is removed, and the cavity is filled with a cement-like material. As the material hardens, it stabilizes the bone.

What is the aftercare following kyphoplasty?

For some patients, relief can be immediate, for others the elimination or reduction of pain may take several days. Once home, the patient can return to their normal daily activities. They should limit strenuous activity and lifting for about 6 weeks.